15 times Tom Holland stole our hearts

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7. When he showed us that even Tom Holland embarrasses himself in front of his heroes

Tom Holland has been some places. He won the EE Rising Star award at the BAFTAs in 2017 and followed it up with an invite to the Oscars this year where he was a presenter. Rising star indeed.

But while that may be true, he likes to show us that he is still human by sharing the stories that embarrass him the most, even when they involve the most famous pop star on the planet.

“I had one of the most embarrassing experiences with Madonna,” he told The Graham Norton Show, where he yet again told his story of humiliation.

“I was at the Oscars. I presented, it went well. I went out afterwards to sort of celebrate and have a good time. I probably had one too many. I was at this party with a couple of my friends and an old friend of mine, he’s a manager, comes up to me and is like ‘Tom, Tom, Tom, do you know Madonna?’ And I’m like, ‘Funnily enough, no.’”

A fateful encounter between the two of them followed when said manager friend dragged Tom across the dancefloor to meet her. Tom admitted that he panicked and by way of introduction, his friend told the “True Blue” singer that he was a good dancer (which earlier slides can attest to).

However, Madonna didn’t see Tom in all of his Rihanna glory, because he panicked again with the lack of choreography and left her on the dancefloor, disco ball presumably spinning in his wake.

According to Tom, the same story made his dad laugh, his mom cringe and led his little brother to simply ask “Who’s Madonna?”We’re sure Tom wishes he didn’t know either.