15 times Tom Holland stole our hearts

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6. When he told us about his worst audition

We thought we had heard the worst impression of a wolf back in 1992 when Harry James Potter was forced to play the Wagga Wagga Werewolf by Professor Lockhart in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

But Tom Holland, ever one to outdo the ones we love in purity, gave Harry a run for his money when he auditioned for Lord of the Rings alum Andy Serkis.

Though he never revealed the name of movie, as io9 points out, we can safely assume from the story that it’s Serkis’ new Jungle Book film, Mowgli, since the audition required some animalistic acting from Tom, who you might think would have it covered since playing Spider-Man.

But during an interview on the BBC’s The Graham Norton Show, where Serkis was also a guest, Tom revealed that his audition for the movie was one of his most embarrassing.

“Often we do strange things for auditions, but I think [Serkis’] audition was the strangest I’ve ever been on,” he told Norton. “I did the scene…and [Serkis] said, ‘Thank you, that was great. Now do it as a wolf.” “I’m like, ‘Okay.’ So all I did was this.”

“This,” it turns out, is putting his hands up on his head as pricked-up ears. Transformation complete.

Fortunately for Tom, Serkis was more generous about the audition than the actor himself, saying it was “brilliant,” so all was not lost. Although the role certainly was.

Well, Tom, don’t worry. We might have cast you. A cuter wolf we never did see. Who needs CGI when you’ve got hands-for-ears?