15 times Tom Holland stole our hearts

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5. When he saved a stray dog and shared his love of The Greatest Showman in the same day

We can honestly say that following Tom Holland on Instagram is one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Better even than the decision to go and see Infinity War, since it broke our hearts less.

Indeed, Tom went a little way to mending them entirely when he posted one Instagram story earlier in May. Starting his day off in the car with his best friend Harrison Osterfield, he posted a video of himself singing along to “This Is Me” from The Greatest Showman (ripe for another Lip Sync Battle appearance, perhaps?), which was more than enough to improve our day.

But then, not content with improving our day, he only went and made it entirely by proving to the world that he is all that is good in it. His next update consisted of a little message as he’s walking down a street near his home, now with a dog in tow.

“A bit of an odd message — I was walking around Kingston and we found this dog that seems to have been stray for the last few days,” he said on his story. “If it is your dog please let us know. We’re going to take him to the vet to make sure he’s all okay”.

A friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man indeed.

All turned out well for the little pupster, and the dog, too, when Tom revealed that the rescued hound, dubbed Bruno because of his strong scent, was microchipped and hopefully on his way back to his rightful owners.