25 shows that will make you happy to be single this summer

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What’s a list about single folks, without our favorite Friends? Originally conceived as a tale about living single in the city, it eventually evolved into a story about coming of age as a part of very close-knit group.

Friends is one of the most well known and widely watched series of all time, so I won’t go into the premise or characters. However, if you want to get some of the best being single moments, here’s some of the best of the worst.

“The One With All The Resolutions” features the now-infamous scene with Ross and his leather pants. He wore the very impractical pants on a date to impress the lady, but as the temperature rises in her apartment, the pants get swampier and swampier. When he excuses himself to the bathroom, the situation worsens. I think we can all relate to the panic of wardrobe malfunctions on a date.

As beautiful and charming as Rachel always was, she completely lost her cool when she developed a crush on one of her clients. “The One With The Fake Party” saw Rachel perform increasingly desperate and embarrassing stunts to get his attention, including making up a party to get him to show up, and dressing in her high school cheerleading uniform.

If you need a little pep when you’re feeling discouraged, watch “The One With The Proposal” in which Chandler and Monica get engaged. It’s sweet and will move you to tears, and it’s also a beautiful culmination of a lot of ‘shipping energy.

Where to watch: As if I even need to tell you, you can watch the whole series on Netflix.