25 shows that will make you happy to be single this summer

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The Real Housewives of Atlanta

For a show with “wife” built right into the title, it features a cast of decidedly unattached women who are giving us everything. By far the most entertaining contribution to the Bravo franchise, these ladies have more fun (and champagne) before the rest of us have even had our morning coffee.

The cast has evolved over the years, and it started out as a show about successful African American women (and well, Kim) and their husbands living a fabulous life in Atlanta. As the series moves on, however, marriages dissolved and it’s emerged as one of the most enjoyable (if not ironically unrealistic) of single life.

Although the women on the show are not sisterly to each other at times, they all enjoy a sort of understood pact to entertain and give us what we want: all the tea and shade we can handle – with the receipts to show for it.

Endlessly memeable and quotable, nobody can check these ladies, no matter how they come for us. These women are living out loud, screaming to the universe that they are here and ready to have fun. They serve as a reminder to us all, that fun is what you make it, and it’s never too early for a glass of wine.

Where to watch: 10 years of Atlanta Housewives have given us life all these years, and the most recent season 10 is available on BravoTV.com. For maximum effect and enjoyment, however, you must go back and start from the beginning on Hulu.