Avengers: Infinity War: Pretty much everyone keeps knocking Tony Stark’s plans


Is a running theme of Avengers: Infinity War going to be other heroes providing objections to whatever plans Tony Stark comes up with?

Depending on how you feel about Tony Stark as he exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Infinity War might be your favorite film or your least favorite when it hits theaters on April 27. After all, he regularly tops lists of characters expected to die. Thematically, too, it appears that other characters are taking the lead by changing his plans.

Now, this isn’t the first time that Tony has given leadership up in the MCU — his request to Captain America to “call it” in the first Avengers film looms large in that regard. However, the footage we’ve seen of Infinity War seems to be about other characters asserting themselves rather than just taking what Tony gives.

Take, for instance, this new clip found by CBR. While CBR focuses more on Bruce Banner, we’re more interested in Stephen Strange. He really seems to have gotten the whole speaking like a sorcerer supreme down, even if Tony mocks him for it:

But more interestingly, Stephen and Wong don’t see the need to immediately acquiesce to Tony’s request to destroy the Time Stone. Granted, they have a particularly good reason. Moreover, to not only counter Tony’s plan with a flat refusal, but then to take a jab at his ego? That’s pretty serious. It’s like Star-Lord’s similar refusal taken up a notch, since Stephen has an actual reason why.

Granted, moments like this could also help signify that, as speculated, Doctor Strange will probably do some pretty important things. CinemaBlend has also picked up on this idea, running off of a Benedict Cumberbatch quote that refers to Stephen as the “adult in the room.”

Next: Robert Downey Jr. doesn't know how Infinity War ends so that's great

Could all of these little moments help prime the audience to say goodbye to Iron Man by the end of Infinity War? It might seem small and subtle, but that hasn’t stopped the MCU before. After all, it’s taken us a decade to get this far into the world.