20 books you’ll absolutely want to binge at the beach this summer

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Adjustment Day – Chuck Palahniuk

Chuck Palahniuk’s latest satire tackles the current political landscape of the United States, zoning in on and confronting the problematic components of our society as a whole. Exaggerating America’s greatest flaws, Adjustment Day is said to comically take the nation beyond our most disturbing imaginings.

While corrupt politicians move the country toward a third world war, the working class bitterly plots against the elite population. Professors are aware of the issues, but the knowledge they pass along to their students is nothing short of despondent. And then there’s Adjustment Day. Via Goodreads:

"When Adjustment Day arrives, it fearlessly makes real the logical conclusion of every separatist fantasy, alternative fact, and conspiracy theory lurking in the American psyche."

Fans of Palahniuk’s Fight Club are bound to enjoy this novel, as it covers similar themes in regards to classism. Of course, this release does seem to take things a bit further. But it’s also rumored that there are some references to Fight Club that will fill hardcore fans with glee.

Adjustment Day will be Palahniuk’s first release in four years, set to hit shelves on May 1. If the scathing societal commentary isn’t enough to draw you in, the peculiar cover might do the trick. I mean, come on. Who doesn’t love to dwell on human shortcomings while soaking up the sun?