20 underrated reality show gems you should be watching

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Wild Wild Country

The premise: A Netflix documentary about a controversial guru who builds a substantial community in the Pacific Northwest. “Starring” Rajneesh as the leader of the sect and Sheela as his powerful second in command, the series explores the beginnings of the organizations all the way to its horrifying end.

Why you’ll love: For one, the docu-series is endlessly fascinating, exploring the human tendency to seek growth and enlightenment, often at the expense of practical, secular sense. It interviews well-read, educated, “average” people who speak so lovingly of their time as Rajneeshis. I am always particularly interested in text about cults, because it belies a universal human hunger for belonging and community, even at the expense (sometimes) of their own safety. It’s amazing that people will ignore their most basic instinct for survival in lieu of acceptance and promised contentment.

You also must meet Ma Anand Sheela. She is the guru’s close, personal secretary, and the documentary quickly becomes the story of her powerful rise through the ranks to her unseemly downfall. She gives first-person interviews and she is about as badass as they come.

Rajneesh couldn’t be bothered with the mundanity of the details associated with running such a massive organization and Sheela gladly stepped into help. She is magnanimous, beautiful, and possesses such a quiet power, that it really is no wonder everyone deferred to her authority.

How to watch: The entire six-part series is available on Netflix now.