From Knowhere to the Sovereign World to Ego, the Guardians of the Galaxy have been all over the universe. Last weekend, they stopped in Chicago for C2E2.
If there’s any family that truly puts the “funk” in dysfunctional, it’s the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Now, four years after their debut, Avengers: Infinity War will finally bring the Guardians face to face with the Avengers, merging two huge families in the MCU.
The crossover is unfortunately still a few weeks out, but last week, Dave Bautista and Sean Gunn stopped by C2E2 where they discussed everything they’ve been through with the Guardians so far.
The idea of family has been a singularly important concept in the Guardians films. From Peter’s bond with Yondu, Gamora’s rocky relationship with Nebula, down to the death of Drax’s wife and daughter, family has been a driving force both on screen and off.
For Bautista, the family dynamic was immediate in Guardians of the Galaxy. When he met Zoe Saldana (she was the last cast member he met), she jumped out of her car and ran to him yelling “Bautista!” Any remaining nerves he had disappeared with the big hug she gave him.
With that kind of bond, the environment on set was equally as great. As Bautista describes it, both films were just “a bunch of kids having fun.”
For both Bautista and Gunn, a lot of the fun in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 came from the scene where the team is gathered around the campfire. The actors revealed during their panel that there was a lot more funny dialogue in those takes that didn’t make it into the final film.
Knowing that not every joke can make it into the final product, it’s hard for fans not to wonder what songs don’t make it in. But the more pressing question at C2E2 was which songs will make it in Guardians 3?
Though they admitted they haven’t heard anything yet, Bautista and Gunn agreed that it’d be surprising if the songs for Awesome Mix Vol. 3 haven’t been chosen already. Even so, they have some hopes for the tracklist; Bautista mentioned that he’d love to hear some Journey.
Gunn speculated that the music might be more of Yondu’s taste, rather than Peter’s, based on the Zune that was gifted to Peter. “But I honestly don’t know,” Gunn added. “I swear to you…”
The stars do find out before anyone else though. As it turns out, the music of the Guardians franchise has proven to be just as important to the actors as it is to the fans.
According to Bautista and Gunn, there is always music playing on set. The actors are even given earbuds, so they can listen to the part of the soundtrack that accompanies the scene.
Worth noting: They haven’t used “We Are Family” yet. Yondu could’ve totally been a closet disco fan.
Obviously, Bautista and Gunn couldn’t get through the panel without facing some questions on Infinity War. Unfortunately, they were pretty tight-lipped on that but did say it was a lot of fun.
Related Story: Mark Hamill Might Be In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, 2018. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 does not have an official release date yet.