The internet really wants to know how many triangles are in this photo


A puzzling photo set the internet in a frenzy as people tried to figure out how many triangles they saw in the picture. It was hard for people to agree on one answer.

It seems like after the decline of those Nintendo DS brain games, the internet swooped in to make sure we would never go a day without solving a challenging brain puzzle.

It was the internet’s odd obsession with these math and puzzle posts made for the perfect viral photo that swept through Twitter. The picture was simple: a triangle dissected into nine parts. And on that picture, the poster, @jiteshpillaai, asked: “How many triangles?” 

That’s a straight-forward question, but it’s not simple geometry for some people. Twitter was as divided on the answer as the triangle itself.

Take a look at the picture yourself before seeing what others thought:

What did you get? Admittedly, it’s hard to keep track of which triangle you’ve counted since there are so many lines. But we’re not complaining. Some people took a stab at what the real answer could be, and others just avoided answering it altogether.

But alas, thank goodness there were other people who tried to do the math for us all. A person by the name of Neeraj on Twitter helpfully made a diagram to show us that there should be 18 triangles in total in the photo.

Looks like we can close another viral internet case for good! And, we feel a lot smarter now that we’ve gotten our daily math lesson.

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While Twitter is no Nintendo DS Brain Age game, we appreciate it for helping us to stay sharp. How many triangles did you see?