Sebastian Stan attended the opening of Lobby Hero starring Chris Evans and Michael Cera. So, you know, all the Bucky/Steve fans lost their minds.
If you’re new to the Marvel universe, you probably don’t know about the long winded love story fans have going between Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. The two actors, who play Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers respectively, are two of Tumblr’s top boyfriends, and to see them together is quite the treat.
So, when Sebastian Stan showed up at the opening of Lobby Hero, fans obviously lost their minds. And for good reason, too, because Sebastian looked incredible. In a powder blue sweater and long peacoat, Sebastian truly brought out the look for the evening.
Though we didn’t get a picture of the two actors together, it was still very sweet of Sebastian to go and support his co-star.
The two actors have now both been on Broadway in between their turns as Bucky and Steve. Sebastian starred in Picnic as Hal Carter a few years back, and now Chris is Bill in Lobby Hero. Personally, I love that they come to New York to do theatre in between their films, because it shows a range that we wouldn’t see otherwise.
Now, we don’t know what Sebastian thought of the production, though he did attend the afterparty, but there are reports of Sebastian trying to leave the show and telling fans that they’re going to miss seeing Chris Evans at the stagedoor if they don’t go back. Obviously he still stopped to take pictures with some fans before leaving the theater.
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan attended the After Party of the Lobby Hero Opening Night 😛
— 🎬 (@ws_jbb) March 27, 2018
Sebastian Stan went to see Lobby Hero. HE WENT TO THE THEATRE TO SEE CHRIS.
— 🤍🐥 (@miminiboo) March 26, 2018
Overall, it was just a very cute thing for Sebastian to do and for Stucky fans everywhere, it was quite the dream scenario. (And even for fans who just support two actors being very good friends, it was pretty much a dream scenario, as you can see from the above tweets.)
Next: Chris Evans shows he's more than Captain America in Lobby Hero
You can see both Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans in Avengers: Infinity War coming out this April 27.