Avengers: Infinity War: 5 team-ups we want to see

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Stills from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Avengers: Infinity War trailers. Images via Marvel/Disney.

Star-Lord and Captain America

The days of Steve Rogers being able to both make jokes about and catch up on the pop culture he’s generally missed while frozen have passed (at least mostly). However, here’s no way that Steve’s reaction to Peter Quill’s overloaded-with-pop-culture-references way of speaking would not be absolutely hilarious.

Yes, this is supposed to be a very serious Marvel superhero movie, but all of the previous very serious Marvel superhero movies have moments of levity to them, even in standoffs. (Tony Stark calling Spider-Man “Underoos!” will never not be funny.) While a Shuri and Peter Parker pairing would result in some more innocent or cute humor, Steve being baffled by Peter Quill would definitely have a different tone to it, especially if Steve snarks right back at him with a classic ’40s reference.

But beyond that, it’s not impossible for a young, pre-Guardian of the Galaxy Peter Quill to have even looked up to the Cap. Remember, Coulson has those trading cards, and it’d totally be in Peter’s character to be a total fanboy. He’d probably hate the beard, though, since that’s a recent addition.

Then again, they could compare facial hair or something. (This probably wouldn’t happen, but we can dream, right? We have to say, even though Peter has the scruffy look going for him, it’s hard to beat Steve’s beard.)