How to Get Away with Murder season 4 finale preview: Nobody Else is Dying

How can How to Get Away with Murder wrap up its fourth season? By having someone die in the very last episode, of course!

When a show has the title of How to Get Away with Murder, you come to expect a certain amount of murder, or, at the very least, some death. And though season 4 has had a shockingly small amount of death and/or murder, it seems the show has saved the best for last.

Well, maybe. However, it certainly sounds like the show will try to have the best episode of all season come at the very end. We won’t know if it succeeds until the episode actually airs.

ABC’s official synopsis has the details:

"Annalise and her inner circle deal with the aftermath of a suspicious death that culminates with a shocking arrest. Meanwhile, a new development involving one of their own changes everything."

“A new development involving one of their own” could mean literally anyone, because “Annalise and her inner circle” are a solid 85% of the cast at this point. (It’s probably higher than that, but math is hard.) Perhaps it’s that Isaac recovers after his overdose and decides that he really does want to pursue something with Annalise. It would be an eerie mirror to the way we found her in season 1, married to a former therapist of hers. We’re talking, of course, about Sam Keating.

As for the “suspicious death,” yours truly guessed in her wishlist for the season finale that it’d be Simon who bites it. Who gets arrested in connection with it? Oliver would be an easy choice, but not necessarily “shocking,” since he’s probably the first suspect the police would have. Therefore, the double twist might be that the police arrest Connor instead.

After all, Connor’s tied to Annalise, who tried and failed to become Simon’s lawyer, and he’s also tied to Oliver, who had some suspicious interactions with Simon. It makes just enough sense to work.

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What do you think of this How to Get Away with Murder prediction? Are you ready for the finale on Thursday, March 15?