How to Get Away with Murder season 4: 3 things we want to see from the season finale

How to Get Away with Murder’s season finale airs this Thursday, and before then, it’s time to make three requests of the TGIT powers that be.

How to Get Away with Murder, like many an ABC show, faces an uncertain fate, even though TV By the Numbers has it as a “likely to be renewed” show as of last week. This week’s episode, “Nobody Else is Dying,” marks the end of season 4.

It’s only an hourlong episode, however, meaning that we’re probably not going to get some huge explanation of how all of the ridiculous things that have come to pass this season actually came to pass.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t wish for some nice things, right?

Finally resolve the Wes storyline

No, I will not give this up. Please just let Wes mostly rest in peace, HTGAWM. Dredging it back up to force a wedge between Laurel and her mom might have seemed like a good, dramatic turn at the time. However, this sudden turn that actually, Laurel’s mom and dad worked together to have Wes killed doesn’t really do anything beyond the aforementioned wedge-driving. If the purpose is to show that Laurel’s mom isn’t nice, that’s already been tipped off multiple times throughout the season.

This isn’t to say that a putative season 5 can’t mention Wes ever. He’s the father of Laurel’s baby, and he was a key player in the first three seasons while alive, and still a factor in season 4 despite being a corpse. It’s just that at some point, the other characters — Laurel in particular — will need to move on or risk killing the show’s audience out of boredom.

Let us know if Annalise won the Supreme Court case

We know, we know. The Supreme Court has a lot of cases to consider, even in HTGAWM-world. As the SCOTUSblog puts it, most cases usually end up being done by June or July. Granted, we don’t know when exactly any of this is taking place in the show, but it seems like it could be spring at minimum. In other words, it’s possible that a decision could be handed down. Don’t count on Olivia Pope to show back up, though a phone call from her might be appropriate.

However, if we learn about it now as opposed to in season 5, that means it could get some actual importance instead of just being a throwaway line in the season 5 premiere.

Move a romantic relationship forward

If this request sounds a little open-ended, that’s because it is. Whether it’s Michaela and Asher picking up the pieces after her cheating, Connor and Oliver getting married so they don’t have to testify against each other (presumably after Simon dies, because the “suspicious death” of the synopsis really only seems like it can refer to him or Isaac, whose kidneys are failing) or Frank and Laurel doing something like killing her mother (which is not out of the question somehow), this show’s relationships need a push to bring in some momentum for season 5 if it happens. Somehow, these romantic ongoings have become quite interesting, and for them to stay that way, there needs to be more.

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Oddly enough, this doesn’t account for Annalise character-wise. That’s because she’s already had her major breakthroughs of the season — particularly in the Scandal crossover episode. However, she’ll probably get a good moment or two in the finale.

After all, she’s the source, in-universe, of How to Get Away with Murder‘s name. What do you want to see in the finale?