How to Get Away with Murder season 4 episode 13 review: Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

The second half of the Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder crossover ends up producing a very decent episode for HTGAWM.

“It’s kill or be killed. You do know that,” Olivia Pope says in her first scene of How to Get Away with Murder.

“I know that, and I look forward to it,” Annalise responds.

If there’s a better way to sum up the style of both series, not just How to Get Away with Murder, then these shows have yet to find it. This episode ends up being one of the better episodes in recent memory, if not of this season as a whole.

How Olivia and Annalise deal with that mentality is very, very different. There’s no better way to compare acting styles than by putting people right next to each other. Kerry Washington is much sharper, but just as strong as Viola Davis’ more subtle acting. Cicely Tyson then appears as Ophelia Harkness, and that’s three remarkably talented actresses sharing a screen together in different combinations. This episode makes sure to give each of them their time to shine, even Tyson.

This is, however, Davis’ show, so she gets the meatiest scenes, talking about her character’s motivations, shutting Olivia down, having a breakdown right before court time and having another fantastic speech. But Washington certainly doesn’t lag behind either, delivering the kind of pick-me-up speech that convinces Annalise not to relapse and drink some vodka.

There’s no real way to oversell a main character arguing a case in the literal Supreme Court, but the show doesn’t get too ridiculous, either. The shot of Annalise and Olivia — two powerful women — striding up the stairs to the court is the kind of stuff that’s fun and empowering to watch.

Of course, other things actually do happen in this episode. Michaela sleeps with Marcus, which seems like an extraordinarily poor decision. (Connor picks up on it immediately.) Kathryn Erbe gets to return as Jacqueline Roa and deliver the kind of tearful lines that basically make any sort of guest appearance worth it. Also, Isaac’s kidneys are failing because he overdosed. Frank finds Laurel’s mom talking to Wes.

But How to Get Away with Murder pointedly focuses on Annalise’s case, and it feels like a particularly strong episode because of it. Can the show keep it up to finish season 4 on a high note? That’s not guaranteed. However, things certainly look slightly better than they did before “Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania” aired, even if the episode makes sure to show that Olivia’s appearance is a one-time thing.

The preview shows that Wes’ storyline is not yet done, however, so don’t let hopes get too high.

Quick thoughts:

  • “Racism is built into the DNA of America,” Annalise says. This is part of her rebuttal speech, which indicts the prison system as well. Would this argument fly in the actual Supreme Court? Well, maybe, but it comes with awesome music and Davis delivering this speech like she wants an Emmy for it.
  • Oh, it’s also a topical speech!

Next: The X-Files S11E7 recap and review

What did you make of this week’s How to Get Away with Murder?