Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 100th episode preview: The Real Deal

“Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD” is celebrating its 100th episode! We break down what could possibly happen during this milestone for the show.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached Agents of SHIELD’s episode #100. There’s a lot of secrecy surrounding the plot of this episode. Not a lot of images have been released, and everyone keeps saying it packs a punch.

If you can recall the last time they said that, Ward was Hydra.

Let’s not get too carried away just yet. Here’s the official synopsis, courtesy of ABC:

"In the milestone 100th episode, Coulson finally reveals the mysterious deal he made with Ghost Rider, which will impact everyone on the S.H.I.E.L.D. team."

Firstly, let me do a little bragging because I totally had this on my list of three things we want before the end of Agents of SHIELD.

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – “All the Comforts of Home” – Coulson and team set out to rewrite the course of humanity’s fate, but they’re unaware that their efforts will dramatically change one S.H.I.E.L.D agent’s life, on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” FRIDAY, MARCH 2 (9:01-10:01 p.m. EST), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Byron Cohen)


This looks to be a show that will pay off for longtime fans and try not to leave any loose threads hanging. Ghost Rider was a huge thing for them, and they would be stupid not to bring him back — even if we don’t see Robbie Reyes just yet.

But is his deal with the Spirit of Vengeance what ushers in the end of the world? Or is his deal what ends up taking them down a less disastrous path?

The mid-season premiere was a relatively dark episode, with Elena losing both her hands. This 100th episode feels like we might lose a key player. Or several.

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Your guess is as good as mine on what the future holds for Agents of SHIELD, both in who survives and whether we get a sixth season. Let’s see where this episode takes us!