Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 11 recap and review: All the Comforts of Home

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns! Back in present day, who made it back, what’s at stake, and how long until the world explodes?

It’s a brand new episode of Agents of SHIELD! And we’re back in the present day!

I was already excited for this show’s return, but the amount of fun, new characters and cameos just in the first segment before the commercials really feels like it’s a strong welcome back.

Not-So-Short Summary & Analysis

We’re given our first introduction to Dove Cameron’s character, Ruby. She’s the rebelling teenage daughter of the general after SHIELD and she adores Daisy. That’s … about it for her until the very end.

Our SHIELD compatriots have returned to the present! Fitz and May find a room full of Monoliths (ominous and creepy) and find a new Chronocom named Noah; you may remember him as one of the rotating squints on Bones.

As a fun twist, Deke has also made it back in time! I’m glad he’s not dead by Enoch’s explosion. Watching him experience the world is an absolute joy because you can just feel it through the screen. Thankfully he doesn’t eat that ice cream out of the garbage. He gets to try real beer! And it’s awful!

After twenty minutes back on Earth, SHIELD has already stolen a car and figured out that the ominous light coming down from the sky is actually being sent up from Earth. It’s the beacon Hive used to call the Kree to Earth. Good! Great! Will it also draw Thanos? Infinity War is less than two months away…

They also find Piper, one of the few survivors from SHIELD. She gives them a story about staying underground, continuing the mission, trying to turn off the beacon, but it’s all a setup.

The beacon was there to lure SHIELD.

We also get a fun new bad guy who wears all black and a full mask a la the Winter Soldier (it’s Ruby!). There’s a battle that’s fun to watch because it feels like the team is back until Elena rushes to save Mack and loses both of her hands. Rather than seeking medical attention, Simmons is charged with saving her.

It’s just a little unnerving that it wasn’t Kasius who took Elena’s hands. Here we all assumed that happened after the world quaked apart.

Post-Credits Stinger

Philadelphia, PA. Carl Creel, the Absorbing Man. The General is putting together a team. Assembling, if you will.

Badass Moment of the Week

An off-kilter one, but let’s go with Deke hugging that tree. He was just so happy.

Best One-Liner

“Do you have anything else that’s like this, but … delicious?” Deke asks after trying beer for the first time. I feel you, man.

Shoutout to “an Asgardian appearing in the city,” because there’s our tie-in to Thor: Ragnarok! I was going to say, shouldn’t they have said “Asgardians,” but I guess technically Loki is a Frost Giant…

Let’s talk about those hologram projections when they return to the present. I thoroughly enjoy Patrick Warburton in any capacity, whether it’s Seinfeld, Emperor’s New Groove or the preshow to Soarin’ in EPCOT. Nice work, pal.

It was also nice to see the dynamic between Daisy and Deke hasn’t changed a bit.

Next: 3 things we want to see if this is Agents of SHIELD’s final season

Next week’s Agents of SHIELD is their 100th episode! And it looks to be a doozy. Brace yourselves.