A Wrinkle in Time and Ava DuVernay emoji arrive to brighten up Twitter


Are you ready for A Wrinkle in Time? Well, the new Twitter emoji for some of the film’s characters and its director are here, and we’re excited!

If you’re like me, you’ve probably cried over the trailer for A Wrinkle in Time repeatedly. If not, wel,l there’s still time. The film is based on the Madeline L’Engle novel and takes us on a journey with Meg Murry to find her father in time to save the world.

Being told to “Be a warrior,” Meg is an important character for women everywhere. So seeing her, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which and Mrs. Whatsit in emoji form is truly something magical. The release of the emoji comes hot on the heels of multiple campaigns to get young black girls tickets to the movie, with the hashtag #AWITChallenge echoing the Black Panther Challenge.

That’s emotional enough. Basically, everything leading up to the release of the film is inspiring and has us on the verge of tears so is it any surprise that I’m crying over a little emoji Meg? But this is all to be expected with A Wrinkle in Time.

For decades, the book has taught young girls everywhere that they can be the hero. At the end of the day, Meg needs her father, her brother and her friends, but she is the one who saves them all. A young girl is the reason the world is safe, and that’s so important.

It helps that Ava DuVernay is directing the film (and also has her own emoji). From what we can see, she’s created a world that we all want to be a part of. If you haven’t cried enough, there’s a part of the trailer that shows the Happy Medium telling Meg that it is okay to fail. (Believe me, that part had me sobbing in a movie theater.)

Check out the latest TV spot below:

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Get ready for the journey of a lifetime! A Wrinkle in Time hits theaters on March 9.