Brie Larson thinks everyone should see Black Panther. Now she’s the latest celebrity helping people get Black Panther tickets.
Brie Larson is a superhero! No, not just because she’s playing Captain Marvel. She’s also helping people get Black Panther tickets. And that’s pretty heroic.
Larson, who will be starring in her own Marvel superhero movie soon, took to Twitter to say that everyone should get Black Panther tickets. “I know it’s expensive to go to the theater, but [it’s] worth it for this one. You will exit forever impacted,” she wrote.
She then started promoting people on Twitter who were offering to buy Black Panther tickets for those who couldn’t afford them. How cool is that? Larson can seriously do no wrong.
People from all over the world including NYC, Mississippi and all over the U.S. as well as Indonesia, Argentina, Kazakhstan and more stepped up to help people get to see this movie.
One of the best things you can do for yourself and/or the ones you love is purchase some #BlackPanther tix. I know it’s expensive to go to the theater, but its worth it for this one. You will exit forever impacted.
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) February 16, 2018
If you want to buy tix for people who can’t afford to see #BlackPanther at the moment, comment below. If you are in need of tix, reach out to the angels who have commented below #payitforward Enjoy the movie everyone!
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) February 16, 2018
Hey NYC, who out there wants a pair of tix to see #BlackPanther but can’t afford it right now?
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) February 16, 2018
HARRISBURG, PA - Gina wants to help you see #BlackPanther if you can’t afford it right now
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) February 16, 2018
KAZAKHSTAN! Sam is an angel ready to help you see #BlackPanther if you can’t afford it at the moment.
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) February 16, 2018
BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA - comment below if you are dying to see #BlackPanther but can’t afford right now.
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) February 16, 2018
Reach out to Jamie if you’ve got a family of four who is dying to see #BlackPanther aka the best movie ever.
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) February 16, 2018
We’ve got another angel! And two more tickets for #BlackPanther!! Comment below!
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) February 16, 2018
And Larson’s not the only one helping people get to see Black Panther. This empowering film is so revolutionary and has so much hype surrounding it that there have been real concerted efforts to get kids to see the movie. Who could forget that viral video of kids dancing in school when they heard they were going to see Black Panther?
Frederick Joseph started a GoFundMe campaign to help children of color at the Boys & Girls Club in Harlem see the movie. Soon the Black Panther Challenge was started to get even more kids to see the movie.
Octavia Spencer, who previously worked with Ryan Coogler, also bought out a theater in Mississippi “to ensure that all our brown children can see themselves as a superhero.” And Ant-Man’s T.I. teamed up with Walmart to set up a free screening in Atlanta.
In fact, over 200 grass-roots campaigns have been started to help people get to see Black Panther.
And it’s not hard to see why. So far, Black Panther has earned rave reviews. And it’s also making a real impact. The positive black representation in the movie and behind the camera is something people have been waiting for forever.
Next: The Black Panther soundtrack, reviewed
Black Panther is breaking all kinds of barriers. Not only is it just an amazing superhero movie, but it’s also the first chance for a new generation of kids of color to really see themselves represented on the big screen in a superhero movie. And that’s something everyone should see. Thanks to Larson, a lot more people can now.