Supergirl season 3 episode 13 live stream: Watch online

Before Supergirl goes on hiatus, Kara and Alex confront another Worldkiller. Here’s how you can watch this week’s episode, “Both Sides Now.”

Supergirl spent a lot of time stalling last week. While Lena continued to outsmart Edge, Alex conducted medical tests on Samantha to determine the cause of her friend’s memory loss. They turned up nothing. All in all, it made for a maddening episode.

This week, the show shifts its focus back to the Worldkillers. Hopefully, it manages to recover some momentum and go into the extended hiatus on a high note.

Read the official synopsis for “Both Sides Now” below, courtesy of Supergirl Radio:

"THE DEO CAPTURES ANOTHER WORLDKILLER – The DEO captures a second Worldkiller, Purity (guest star Krys Marshall). Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and Alex (Chyler Leigh) use very different methods of interrogation with Purity in the hopes of finding out how to defeat Reign (Odette Annable). However, Purity escapes and attacks the city’s subway tunnels. Meanwhile, J’onn (David Harewood), Winn (Jeremy Jordan) and Mon-El (Christopher Wood) band together to fix the Legion ship."

Well, that certainly sounds intense. Considering the racial dynamics involved, it’s hard not to feel apprehensive about Kara and Alex interrogating Purity. Even if they don’t resort to outright torture, we fear the plotline will amount to white women lecturing a black woman on morality. Best case scenario, it gives Supergirl an opportunity to complicate its heroine’s rather black-and-white ideology, à la “Truth, Justice and the American Way”. If nothing else, this promises plenty of interaction between the Danvers sisters, which is always a good thing.

"Date: Monday, Feb. 5Start time: 8 p.m. ESTEpisode: “Both Sides Now”TV Channel: The CWLive Stream:  Stream 1 | Stream 2"

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Jesse Warn directs a script written by Jessica Queller and Paula Yoo. After this week’s episode, Supergirl takes a break until April 16.