15 times we actively rooted against love

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Episode 67 (season 7, episode 7), debut 8/27/17: Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington.

photo courtesy of HBO

Sometimes you know a duo is doomed to fail. Here are 15 times we actively rooted against love, even when they are our favorite couples.

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and if you don’t live under a rock, you’ve probably seen those red paper hearts starting to pop up everywhere. It’s also about the time in which everyone starts to go a little nuts trying to couple up and worry about the “big day.” I’m going to let us off the hook this year and just admit it. We hate love, okay? Well, maybe not all love or the abstract concept of love, but these couples are so terrible together they have us actively rooting against a romance.

I know it might seem a little cynical to wish two people in love a breakup, but these couples probably never should have been together in the first place. Two people can be pretty darn awesome on their own, but together they can make a two-person dumpster fire. Although we don’t have a time machine to go back and change these people’s romantic past, we can certainly use our insight to identify the more toxic of the couplings.

We are actively rooting against these pairs for lots of reasons, whether their relationship is toxic and harmful, annoying and grating, or just down right self-destructive to one or both. This doesn’t mean we don’t hope they find love again (with someone else, obvi) we just wish they could’ve come to their senses a lot sooner.