First Natalie Portman SNL promo prepares us for what she can really do

Before Natalie Portman heads to Saturday Night Live to host again, she wants us to prepare to get inside her head and see what she can really do.

Everyone is some degree of Natalie Portman fan. Whether you met her young in Leon: The Professional, stopped being able to sleep for a week after her performance in Black Swan, or you continue to consider her as the one true queen of Naboo thanks to Star Wars, it’s important to respect Natalie Portman as an actress, activist and all-around elegant persona.

Although to be fair, her recent string of films leaned indie and she lost her mainstream appeal after appearing as Jane in the first two Thor films before totally disappearing from the Marvel franchise.

So, to promote her new film Annihilation, Portman will return to host Saturday Night Live for a second time on Feb. 3. Back when she was promoting V for Vendetta and made her debut, she and The Lonely Island teamed up to show another side of her … and well, they really went there.

In her new promo for this week, it looks like she’s going to go there again. In the short clip below, we enter Natalie Portman’s conscious as she prepares us for what “Natalie Portman can do.” Right after, we get a behind the scenes look at how they bring the promo to life as she calls over Keenan Thompson to sit alongside her.

Check out the promo below:

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Of course, I’m a big Natalie Portman fan, just because I believe it’s the right thing to do. But every time I see regular Natalie, I just see regular Padmé, which is probably why she really throws herself into other roles, like Jackie or Annihilation.

And no matter what she does on Saturday Night Live, I’m still excited to see Annihilation when it opens in theaters on Feb. 23, 2018.