Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 6 preview: Fun and Games


Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns to action this week, and we’ve got your preview. With Fitz joining everyone in the future, can the world be saved?

Agents of SHIELD returns from its one week hiatus! I know, it’s been forever since we’ve seen our SHIELD friends in action. Waiting really is the hardest part…

How much more sarcastic can I get?

Anyway! Now that Fitz made it to the future (albeit 250 million light years away), everyone resides in the same time (or so we assume). Part of me wants to see Fitz actually be in an alternate universe. Then again, we just went through that last year with the Framework…

The official synopsis, courtesy of ABC:

"With Daisy’s life on the line, an unexpected friend attempts to rescue her."

One has to assume “unexpected friend” means Fitz, right? Which means he’s in the same timeline as the rest, though it may be their Darkest Timeline.

Getting back to the timeline/multiverse aspect of things. Deke dropped the “multiple universes” line on Daisy in one of the first episodes. There’s no way that is just a one-off comment made. The obvious choice is to make her destroying the world an alternate universe.

But if Agents of SHIELD wanted to do something a little more nuanced, like make Fitz be in a separate univese from the rest of the SHIELD crew, that would be something.

It’s probably not the case, so the more important question remains: When will they return to the present time? And will Hunter be a part of the SHIELD crew once more or was that just for fun? Because it was fun, and I want more of that fun.

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Don’t expect them to be in future space for too much longer (maybe 3-5 more episodes). At least that’s my guess for where Agents of SHIELD is heading after this story arc.