Game of Thrones season 8 could just have had its biggest spoiler revealed so far, assuming that these are legitimate secrets and not just speculation.
Warning: Seriously, readers. There’s no understatement when we say that these potential spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8 are huge. This will be your last heads-up. The discussion begins soon below.
Game of Thrones season 8 may just have had some mild to major spoilers hit the Internet, thanks to Oh No They Didn’t, which is in turn citing Reddit (and, to be specific, from the r/freefolk subreddit, which … well, if you know your way around reveals of Game of Thrones information ahead of the seasons airing, then you know that that’s often a pretty big source).
And we mean it when we say that there are some big pieces here, purportedly coming from actual scripts themselves, along with other snippets of information. Major points include reports that Daenerys is actually pregnant. Thematically, that could be interesting on two levels. First, it would be a continuation of the old Targaryen tradition, considering that Jon Snow is her nephew. Second, however, it would be fate replacing her lost literal dragon child with a metaphorical dragon child, since the kid would be a Targaryen.
Interestingly, the pages also apparently say that there’s something called the “War for the Dawn,” which, considering that Tyrion adds something about “vanquish the Night King” and mentions “the Queen” … well, this could be from the very end of everything, part of the finale wrap-up. Since that’d be Bronn finally getting his castle, it seems like that’s where it would fit in.
As ONTD also points out, it seems like Jaime Lannister isn’t there to see the mercenary get his prize. Other parts of these reveals include pages that appear to suggest that the idea of dragon fire burning King’s Landing down might get a little help from Cersei — and that Jaime’s there. Presumably he doesn’t survive. He got that miracle in season 7. We don’t think he’ll be so lucky again.
Speaking of luck, though, the supposed dialogue suggests that Jon Snow is also in King’s Landing or otherwise detained by Cersei’s forces. Jaime mentions “the only man who can defeat the White Walkers [is] in chains,” and the next line from Cersei mentions a “Northern fool and his white-haired” … well, you can guess what the next word is. That means that Daenerys might only have her child and lose Jon in the process, leaving her as the queen who must rebuild, not just reconquer.
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However, even as of this writing, only the readout from ONTD seems to exist. The image leaks seem to be missing. Suggestion that they’ve been debunked … or that they were real? Game of Thrones fans, we leave that for you to decide.