House of Cards: Why fans shouldn’t worry about season 6

Now that House of Cards has resolved its issues, the final season might just be far better than expected, and fans shouldn’t be too concerned about it.

House of Cards is back on track … er, sort of, that is. According to our sister site, Netflix Life, the show’s last season will basically become House of Cards: Robin Wright Edition , as many (yours truly included) wished for. With her taking the lead role over from Kevin Spacey, fans can breathe a little bit of a sigh of relief.

This isn’t to say that Spacey didn’t do some great work as Frank Underwood, but let’s face it. For the past two seasons, the show has given its ending moments to Claire: first by having her look at the camera in season 4, and then, as we noted before, saying “My turn” to wrap up season 5. Even if Spacey hadn’t left the show, it seems as though the writers were looking more towards Claire as the interesting character anyway.

Is she quite the same as her husband in her ability to relentlessly plot and scheme? No, but that doesn’t necessarily mean House of Cards will be worse for wear because of it. Indeed, having a woman president, even in fiction, might actually feel a little bit refreshing and even draw back some lapsed viewers. It’s a point that Netflix Life makes as well, but from a slightly different perspective.

As Netflix Life also notes, Frank Underwood’s departure from the fictional world is still a mystery. Will the first episode of season 6 open with Claire monologuing about a possible timeskip into the heart of her presidency and the unfortunate (wink wink) death of her husband, leaving her a widow who will carry on for the good of the country (at least to the public)?

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Come to think of it, that’d be an excellent public relations ploy to boost up Claire’s popularity. Would Frank agree to die for her? Almost certainly not. But Frank’s not in power anymore. Claire is. And that’s what has this House of Cards fan excited again for season 6, whenever it may air.