Game of Thrones season 8 spoilers: Keeping it all in the family


What’s going on in Game of Thrones season 8? Well, it appears that some ladies will be joining the cast — but are they related?

Game of Thrones news might just ruin your expectations for the season, and we don’t judge!

According to our sister site, Winter is Coming (and originally Watchers on the Wall), there are some fresh faces making their way onto the show for the final season of Game of Thrones.

WiC speculates that Alice Nokes has joined proven cast members Danielle Galligan and Emer McDaid based on an Instagram photo, guessing that their roles are pretty small, all things considered. However, it’s interesting considering the other major point of speculation, which is that Galligan is playing one of the Frey granddaughters, Sarra.

Keep that in mind, and then check out the photo of the three of them.

Dare we say that they look like they could be playing sisters or otherwise related characters? They have some pretty similar features.

Oddly enough, the character Sarra Frey just happens to have two sisters, per A Wiki of Ice and Fire. First is a twin, Serra, who will almost certainly get a name change if this is what’s going on. It’s really easy to mishear Sarra for Serra and vice versa, and without the printed words on the page, fans will almost certainly clamor that they have the same name. The show did it with Asha/Yara Greyjoy and Osha, so there’s precedent. Sarra and Serra then have a younger sister, Cersei. (Please let there be a scene where Cersei Frey comes face to face with her namesake. Just … please. Bonus points if they mention that they have brothers named Tywin and Jaime. The potential for a Cersei Lannister putdown is huge here.)

Scrolling through Walder Frey’s page, Sarra, Serra and Cersei are pretty low down the list of descendants, but hey, Walda Frey married Roose Bolton, and she’s part of that same branch of the family tree.

While we agree with both WiC and WOTW’s theory that this isn’t necessarily Sarra Frey — other castings for this season have used characters’ full names — it’s hard not to suspect that these three ladies are playing roles together based on the photo and their similar appearances.

Next: 25 reasons we wish Robb Stark was still alive on Game of Thrones

How do you feel about these three actresses joining the world of Game of Thrones? Are you certain that they’re Freys, or are you not convinced of anything yet?