17 perfect gifts for 17 top fandoms

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Marvel Infinity Gauntlet Bank. Photo Credit: Wal-Mart. ©Marvel

12. Infinity Gauntlet Bank

With the Marvel Cinematic Universe only continuing to expand, there’s plenty of options when it comes to gifts for Marvelites. It all depends on who’s receiving the gift.

For Guardians of the Galaxy fans, there’s a Walkman cassette player (though it is admittedly hard to find tapes). For Spider-Man fans who’ve long awaited his entrance in the MCU, there’s Midtown High School spirit wear. And for the latest hit, Thor: Ragnarok, there’s literally anything with Jeff Goldblum’s face on it.

But the one thing that seems to connect all Marvel fans right now is the Infinity Gauntlet. The MCU has been moving to introduce each Infinity Stone, and has made it clear that Thanos is on the mission to get them.

An actual Infinity Gauntlet is pretty heavy, and doesn’t always work with an outfit. So the next best thing is an Infinity Gauntlet bank. It’s always been an odd concept to spend money on something that will hold money, but hear me out.

The Infinity Gauntlet bank is a great shelf piece to put love of Marvel on display, without having to wait until comic-cons to break it out. Given it’s size, it won’t fill up too quick, and it’s just $26.95 at Wal-Mart. It has all six infinity stones, and works for kids and adults alike.

Granted, it’s not nearly as detailed as the film version, but those are out there too. This one is just the most affordable. Really, it’ll hold the money that will inevitably be spent on tickets to see the next MCU movie.