Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The cameos and teasers keep piling up


How much is too much Star Wars: The Last Jedi information? The answer doesn’t seem to exist, based on these three tidbits.

Can’t get enough Star Wars: The Last Jedi pre-release news? Disney and Lucasfilm certainly seem to think so. With two tips of the hat to Star Wars News Net, there are two new teasers to look at as well as something confirmed by the The Hollywood Reporter earlier today. All three pieces have us buzzing with questions.

We’ll start with the visual information, though.

Yesterday’s tidbit:

Although it’s the briefest of shots, we do have Luke Skywalker wearing his hood again — and it appears he’s on Ahch-To. While it’s not the most significant thing out there, it is, in fact, a little interesting, considering he’s sported a hood on one of the posters already. Why exactly he’s wearing it is unclear, but the expression on his face is pretty pensive.

Furthermore, the shot accompanies Snoke saying “and light rises to meet it,” backing up Mark Hamill’s recent promises about Luke’s arc in The Last Jedi.

Today’s teaser:

First off, as SWNN notes, Finn’s lines are new — and somehow, we get the feeling that they’ll come early in the film, perhaps as soon as he’s recovered enough to stand on his own and wear that jacket once again.

Additionally, from our point of view, it’s interesting that Kylo Ren is in the shot accompanying Snoke’s “darkness” line this time, contrasted to Poe and Leia as the “light” — not Rey.

The third and final piece of news comes from THR: Prince William and Prince Harry will reportedly share a scene with John Boyega, Gary Barlow and Tom Hardy, while dressed as stormtroopers. Will their scene be mostly comedic? Why exactly is Finn being guarded? When does that happen? Is it going to be a precursor to the Phasma fight that we’ve seen so much of (and which SWNN calls “long-awaited,” which we totally agree with)? That could very well be what happens.

As THR notes, the Daniel Craig scene from The Force Awakens happens with Rey ahead of the climactic battle with Kylo Ren (and Han Solo’s death scene). Boyega’s four-star scene (pun intended) could indicate that Oscar Isaac’s Poe will get the cool, maybe multi-celebrity scene in Episode IX. Patterns matter.

Next: Is this actually Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo?

Perhaps most importantly: will we recognize everyone’s voices?