Poldark season 3 episode 5 live stream: Watch online

The fifth episode of Poldark’s third season promises that there’s something “deadly” about, which seems like an escalation even from last week.

Poldark killed off Captain Henshawe in last week’s episode, and since we’re now into the back half of the season, things have to get even more dramatic this week, right?

That seems to be the principle at play in this week’s synopsis, anyway. There’s really not much room for misinterpretation here, either.

Here’s the official PBS synopsis on the matter:

"Frogs drive George to the breaking point, leading him to set a trap for Drake. A gift from Geoffrey Charles proves deadly. Dwight’s prison experience threatens his relationship with Caroline."

Geoffrey Charles is way too young to intentionally kill somebody. Also, Poldark is not quite that kind of show. It definitely touches on some dark subjects, but it’s not the kind of show where we expect that one day, Ross and George will duel to the death or anything like that. The key word here is really “proves,” since it makes it seem like Geoffrey Charles didn’t quite think the ramifications of his gift through, which is both in line with his character and the idea of unintended consequences, which is basically the other name for Poldark anyway.

As for Dwight and Caroline, it’s not surprising that he’s suffering from some lingering mental effects after his imprisonment. Good on the show for not making him magically better just because he’s back with Caroline, although we suspect Caroline herself would probably prefer Dwight to be better immediately.

Also, George hating frogs isn’t new — it’s come up a few times this season already — but it’s finally time to ask why he hates frogs so much. What did they do to him? Why can’t they live on Trenwith …

Oh, that’s right.

George doesn’t want anyone (or, it seems, any animal) on Trenwith land anymore unless they’re allowed to be there because he says so. That’d be why he has the moderately fancy signs (that look like they were professionally carved, not just thrown together) up now.

"Date: Sunday, Oct. 29Start Time: 9 p.m. ETTV Channel: PBSLive Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2Next: Watching TV online, Culturess-styleHowever, you do not need our permission to come back to Culturess for all the latest from Poldark. Published on 10/29/2017 at 6:32 AM ESTLast updated on 10/29/2017 at 6:32 AM EST Date: Sunday, Oct. 29Start Time: 9 p.m. ETTV Channel: PBSLive Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"