Game of Thrones season 7: 5 predictions for episode 4

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Episode 63 (season 7, episode 3), debut 7/30/17: Emilia Clarke.

photo: Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

3. Daenerys Targaryen will table the Jon Snow argument

It seems that Daenerys will be compelled to act. After episode 2, I thought she’d get herself off of Dragonstone a little earlier than this, but hey, now she’s really got to move with Olenna dead. (Yes, this is part of my grieving process.) In the preview for episode 4, Daenerys also says the following:

"“All my allies are gone. I’m losing.”"

She also pretty clearly says this to Jon Snow, who has a hilariously dubious expression on his face as she’s speaking. But here’s the thing: is she saying this to him because she needs him to basically be as close to an ally as she can get?

She likely won’t change her position completely. After that speech about “faith,” she seems pretty ironclad in stating that Jon should be her vassal. However, the saying goes that “beggars can’t be choosers,” and for all her dragons and Dothraki and Unsullied, Daenerys is kind of a beggar right now. Perhaps the agreement comes out more like she’ll basically suss out the terms of his surrender later, but she has already allowed Jon to take dragonglass from the island.

Additionally, it looks like she follows him into a tunnel — possibly the dragonglass cache — in the preview.

Why not make an agreement to at least not attack each other and hammer out the details later? That gives time for Sam to write another letter to Winterfell based on his latest wonderful discovery, as we talked about in the first prediction on this list.