Game of Thrones season 7: What exactly does it mean to ‘be a dragon’?


Olenna Tyrell’s speech exhorting Daenerys Targaryen to embrace her house’s sigil might sound pretty, but it hints at a bigger story in Game of Thrones.

Prior to Euron Greyjoy’s showing up and crashing Ellaria Sand and Yara Greyjoy’s party for two, yours truly would have named Olenna Tyrell’s monologue to Daenerys Targaryen the best moment of Game of Thrones season 7, episode 2. Yes, even better than Nymeria and Arya having their brief and painful reunion.

That’s because (Dame) Diana Rigg knows how to deliver a good woman-to-woman speech that encapsulates what we think will end up being Daenerys Targaryen’s source of character development this season.

But first, the speech:

"“Peace? Do you think that’s what we had under your father? Or his father? Or his? Peace never lasts, my dear. Will you take a bit of advice from an old woman? [Daenerys nods.] He’s a clever man, your Hand. I’ve known a great many clever men. I’ve outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them. The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You’re a dragon. Be a dragon.” [emphasis mine]"

In an episode where two very negative Targaryen men, Daenerys’ father and brother, warranted mentions, the writing here is very clever in that Olenna is telling Daenerys not to be a “Targaryen,” with all the baggage that entails, but to “be a dragon.” The implication is still sort of there, in that the three-headed dragon is the sigil of House Targaryen.

But it also indicates that Olenna believes — and that we as an audience should perhaps believe — that Daenerys has the potential to be better than her father and brother, who have sullied the idea of the dragon. Remember what Daenerys says after Drogo kills Viserys?

"“He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon.”"

This idea of being a “dragon,” in other words, is not something new to Daenerys. Olenna just inadvertently echoes it. It’s probably what prompts what seems to be her positive reaction in that moment.

As for Daenerys’ father, the audience has seen and heard about Aerys II’s legacy as the “Mad King” and his obsession with fire. Daenerys has dropped a powerful “Dracarys” or two and survived flames to destroy men who would harm her. However, she does not have that same fixation on fire.

There’s a third male Targaryen whose legacy Daenerys is actively emulating right now: Aegon the Conquerer, mentioned by Randyll Tarly in this episode and also known as, we kid you not, Aegon the Dragon. Four months ago, yours truly noted that Aegon would likely be namechecked repeatedly this season for those very same reasons:

"“Additionally, Dany will effectively try to do what Aegon could not: bring all seven kingdoms to heel.”"

However, there’s one fundamental difference: Daenerys is, well, a woman. She has a very different perspective on things, as we’ve seen unfold over the past seasons of Game of Thrones, and she now has had several women offering her advice, including Olenna. It’s part of the reason we think that Daenerys might choose to go after Yara and Ellaria, and why we predicted it.

Defying Tyrion’s advice might not be the wisest idea. However, Olenna’s words seem to have impacted her queen. Even if she chooses to follow the plan, do not expect Daenerys to blindly follow plans made for her. Olenna has reminded her that she must lead. Aegon led. Daenerys wants to do the same, but she has the opportunity to redefine what exactly it means to “be a dragon” throughout this season and perhaps even season 8.

On a more political note, will Olenna end up becoming Daenerys’ other favorite adviser? If she continues providing an alternative perspective, that might just happen.

Next: Game of Thrones: 5 predictions for S7E3

And that’s something we’re here for on Game of Thrones, by the way: women helping other women out. Yes, Olenna has an agenda. Daenerys acknowledges it prior to the speech. But their ends, for now, are the same: Cersei not being on the throne.