2. Beauty and the Beast (Emma Watson and Dan Stevens)
As a kid I loved Belle. Why? Because I was a bookish girl who wanted adventure in the great wide somewhere. So as an adult, I cried when I saw the live action Beauty and the Beast. To be fair, I wasn’t the only one.
So even though they call him “Beast” or “the master” the entire movie (his name is Prince Adam), this kiss was honestly extremely charming. But I guess that’s what you can expect after casting Dan Stevens as the Beast and Emma Watson as Belle.
Either way, Belle and Adam’s kiss was absolutely beautiful! It wasn’t really a steamy kiss or one that left us waiting to go out and kiss our neighbor, but it did show us how much these two love each other. That’s right, even Belle can love a beast!
But still, call him Adam. This movie made me angry in some ways because why did no one ever call him by his name? His staff was like “oh the Beast” and you know his parents didn’t name him that. Either way, they have a great kiss and it makes us cry for joy!