Orange is the New Black: The 21 craziest moments thus far

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Lorna goes full crazy

Upon meeting Lorna Morello in the pilot episode of OITNB, I was taken with her sweetness and wholesome nature — even after Piper accidentally walks in on her and Nicky in the showers, ahem. She seems like an upstanding responsible inmate, as she is granted van-driving duty most days. Despite her prison relations, all Lorna ever talks about is how she looks forward to the day that she’ll return to her fiancé, Christopher. Strange, because Christopher never visits her at Litchfield…

It takes us a while to find out why that is, and why Lorna is in prison in the first place. In her flashback, we see her engaging in some white-collar crime, scamming online retailers by order items, calling customer service complaining it never arrived, and then being refunded for said items. Illegal enough for Litchfield, probably why she’s there, right? But of course there’s a deeper, darker side to Lorna. We find out in the same flashback that Christopher was indeed a love interest at one time, but they only went on a single date. This threw Lorna into a frenzy, and eventually led to her demise.

Fans speculate that Lorna suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder, symptoms of which include believing that certain relationships are more significant than they actually are in real life. This would make sense given her reaction, which was to put a homemade bomb under his car in an attempt to kill him and his real girlfriend. This information is kept very secret at the prison, but something triggers Lorna one day and in the midst of van duty, she manages to slip away and stalk Christopher one more time. She breaks into his house, goes through his things, puts on his wife’s wedding dress, takes a bath in it…! All this and she manages to not get caught by Litchfield.