25 of the most handsome fathers on television

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Coach Eric Taylor – Friday Night Lights

Have you ever met a man that is perfect in every single way? If not, then let me introduce you to Coach Eric Taylor of Dillon, Texas. He might not be the most handsome dad on the list, or the richest, or even the most well-rounded, but he’s certainly the one I’d pick.

Kyle Chandler is known for balancing an affable nature with an appropriate amount of gravitas. He can tell you a joke and give you an inspirational pep talk, and never miss a beat. He’s also incredibly dreamy. That Southern accent and commitment to football is enough to carry him through the list, but his unwavering devotion to his wife and family are what drives his stock up.

He’s also a pretty reliable feminist, sublimating his own career to make room for his wife’s ambitions and hold on while I love him forever. There aren’t a lot of male characters on TV that can exhibit such traditional masculinity while completely subverting all sorts of gender roles. The Taylors live squarely in the heart of Texas, so a father who changes diapers, buys tampons, or cooks dinner, while the wife works is a bit of anomaly .

When I tell you that Eric Taylor is the perfect man, I’m not exaggerating. He’ll fight for you, offer you an understanding shoulder, and shake some sense into you. Most importantly, though, he’ll hold your face while you kiss and possible keep you from hitting the floor when you inevitably faint when you’re over taken by his kiss.