Want to find out how Captain Phasma got out of the trash compactor during The Force Awakens? Then check out the new comic from Star Wars.
In the lamest of debuts, Gwendoline Christie’s commanding stance and lovely accent made her seem like the perfect person to take up the mantle of Captain Phasma. Unfortunately, director J.J. Abrams cut down most of her screen time in The Force Awakens. This turned an otherwise awesome character into the new Star Wars joke as Finn, Chewie and Han Solo were able to strong arm Captain Phasma into lowering the shields on Starkiller Base and eventually she found herself inside a trash compactor.
Then, of course, the base exploded. Since we know Christie will reprise the role in December’s The Last Jedi, we know she obviously survived. So who got her out? Did she call a droid on the coms and beg him to stop the machine? Was there a weird serpent in the sludge with her? Did she try to get on top of it?
Well, the specifics of her escape are still under wraps. But Entertainment Weekly has the first looks at the new comic set to debut later this year.
Get your first look at #Marvel's #CaptainPhasma comic book: https://t.co/QBg9Z10T97 pic.twitter.com/x9I8RiKfbv
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) June 14, 2017
Writer Kelly Thompson explains why Captain Phasma is now getting a comic almost two years after we first met her:
"“The most exciting thing to me about our mini-series is that we were given the awesome responsibility of bridging a gap between Force Awakens and Last Jedi — of answering the question of what happened to Phasma after she went into that trash chute.”"
But there’s plenty more to discover beyond Phasma’s post-“chute” life. In the recent Vanity Fair spread, Christie appeared on the cover sans helmet. So will the Captain be unmasked in the next film?
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens in theaters on Dec. 15, with Captain Phasma’s comic due for release in September.