Poe Dameron and Finn’s shared jacket may have been the cutest moment in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and now there’s a cardigan version.
Yours truly cannot tell you how many times she has made jokes or references to Poe Dameron giving Finn his leather jacket in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
(That, or the GIF that I have also joked about where Poe says “Keep it. It suits you.”)
Since it’s a holiday in the States and all, here’s that GIF again:

Now to get to the actual fashion here. The Kessel Runway has found that Elhoffer Design will be making a new version of an earlier cardigan, lovingly dubbed the “Galactic Bromance Vintage Cardigan.”
It may not be a leather jacket, but it’s certainly cute enough to meet our standards. Check it out below:
As the name itself and the Instagram caption suggest, this cropped look is decidedly more retro. However, it also means it’s a little less heavy, meaning you could probably wear it on a cool summer night or on a chilly morning, look cute, and not overheat, both of which are reasonably important. The red detailing on each shoulder, mimicking the red stripes on the original jacket in question,
Perhaps the best part? Since it’s not obviously geeky, it could probably pass muster in some offices, and the notes of a darker brown and even touches of black in the knit open it up to a lot of different color options to pair with the red.
We might have to quibble a little with the name, though. After all, Oscar Isaac has said something about “playing romance” in The Force Awakens, and we just refer you up to the above GIF. (We’re just saying that the second movie of a Star Wars trilogy usually has some romance. Make of that what you will.)
Next: New Princess Leia makeup bag
Elhoffer Design’s product page says these will ship in June.