Orphan Black Season 5 trailer: Kidnappings, power-grabs, and answers


In a new trailer for Orphan Black’s final season, Kristen hunts for the truth, Sarah plans a kidnapping, and the man behind the curtain puts Rachel in charge of everything.

BBC America released a new trailer for Orphan Black’s fifth and final season premiering June 10. From the trailer, the new season looks phenomenal.

The man behind the curtain has put Rachel in charge, Kristen’s on the hunt for answers (and she just might get them), and Sarah’s planning a kidnapping.  What!?  This is going to be nuts.

Check it out below:

From an official press release posted to sites like TVLine:

"The walls close in on Sarah when nearly all her sestras and their allies are brought to heel by Rachel. Even more harrowing is that her daughter Kira has joined them. With the threat of Neolution having carte blanche access to clone biology, Sarah is desperate to gain control, but realizes she must change tactics to pursue a long game."

Holy biological-determinism, Batman!

"Protecting both her families, and the host of clones she’s yet to meet, Sarah and those still fighting the fight will uncover the missing pieces of the insidious conspiracy — and finally learn the story behind their origin."

Oh my god!  I’m so excited.

"Despite the great risk, the fight of her life will either set her and her sestras free, or see them meet their end."

This new season is going to be crazy.  Orphan Black has consistently held high ratings, and the fifth season is likely to round out the show as one of the greatest science fiction shows in television history.

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With only days left before the season premieres, getting caught up is a must. BBC America has all of the episodes online. You need a cable provider, though, and who has one of those these days? For those who can’t binge through the BBC America website, the show has a wiki page that’s pretty comprehensive.