Can The Flash salvage a disappointing season? We’ll find out tonight when the finale airs. Here is the synopsis and live stream information.
Well, it happened. The Flash killed Iris West. After 12 episodes of portentous teasing, Savitar stabbed the aspiring reporter and love of Barry’s life through the heart. We’d be devastated if we weren’t incensed.
Also, despite everything, we still trust the show enough to believe this isn’t permanent.
How will Team Flash deal with their latest heartbreak? Read the official synopsis for the season 3 finale, titled “Finish Line”:
"SEASON FINALE – With nothing left to lose, Barry (Grant Gustin) takes on Savitar in an epic conclusion to season three."
Frankly, it’s hard to care about Savitar at this point. From his vague goal (make Barry suffer!) and flimsy motive (no one cares about me!) to his awful haircut, he’s nowhere near the menacing villain we’re supposed to believe he is. The episode “Cause and Effect” sort of danced around the idea that Savitar represents Barry’s dark side – the part of him twisted by his parents’ deaths. But the show never conveyed his trauma effectively enough for that to ring true.
More to the point, we can’t move past the careless way The Flash has treated Iris. With the “save Iris” storyline, it had a prime opportunity to explore themes of loss, fate, and courage. Instead, we got half a season of Iris trying to comfort everyone else, even though she’s the one whose life is on the line. Yes, the scene she and Joe shared in “Infantino Street” was lovely, but for the most part, this approach just makes Iris feel like a pawn. As Vulture’s Angelica Jade Bastién says, it gives the impression that the show doesn’t care about Iris’s feelings and desires – in other words, her humanity.
But, again, we doubt this is really the end for Iris. One fan theory posits that H.R. took her place. That would require some narrative gymnastics, though “Infantino Street” demonstrated that The Flash isn’t above far-fetched plot contrivances. (Seriously, H.R.? The whole point of sending Iris away is so that Barry wouldn’t know where she is.) Time travel makes more sense. Even then, it would feel cheap, negating everything Barry learned from Flashpoint.
Either way, the show is in a tight spot.
Get The Flash live stream details below:
Date: Tuesday, May 23
Start time: 8 p.m. ET
Episode: “Finish Line”
TV Channel: The CW
Live Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2
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David McWhirter directs from a script by Aaron Helbing and Todd Helbing.