15. She can wield Mjolnir
Say it with me: “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor”. Thus reads the inscription on the side of Mjolnir, the hammer used by Marvel’s Thor to wreak havoc in the name of good. Mjolnir is generally the property of Thor, but, as you may already know, anyone who’s good enough can pick it up and use the same powers. Those deemed unworthy find that the hammer is so heavy that they can’t even pick it up a single inch off the ground.
Throughout comics history, quite a few characters have been deemed worthy to possess the power of Thor. These include Beta Ray Bill, a terrifying horse-like alien, Jane Foster, and Wonder Woman herself.
Yes, this occurs during yet another crossover event. While Wonder Woman remains herself, more or less, she does face off against Storm during this particular Marvel vs. DC event, published in 1996.
Thor lost control of Mjolnir after he’s beaten up by Shazam/Captain Marvel. Wonder Woman just kind of stumbles upon it and finds that she can easily lift the hammer. She, therefore, gains all sorts of cool Asgardian powers. However, when she begins to square off against Storm, Diana realizes that Mjolnir would give her a hideously unfair advantage against Ororo. She decides to discard the hammer, then quickly gets zapped by Storm’s lightning and loses the battle. A principled move, if perhaps overly so.