Apparently, Once Upon a Time’s slipping ratings are just enough for ABC to greenlight another season … even without Emma Swan!
It appears as though Once Upon a Time has a semi-divided fanbase. On one hand, it boasts faithful viewers that tune in week after week to see what will happen next with Emma Swan, Captain Hook, the Charmings and everyone else in Storybrooke. But for some people, they expected Sunday’s two-hour season finale to be the show’s final goodbye.
Even Once Upon a Time‘s showrunners expected the show to end. If ABC announced the show was canceled, the prepared a season finale that carried plenty of “closure” for the remaining character and viewers. And even more interesting, the show’s lead, Jennifer Morrison, who has played Emma since the beginning, recently announced that she would leave the show after season 6. Additionally, she stated that if Once Upon a Time continued, she only agreed to appear in one episode.
Reportedly, the new season will focus solely on Regina Mills, Captain Hook and Mr. Gold and a newcomer who will be introduced in the final season.
Without the Charmings or Emma, Once Upon a Time will look to reboot the series. Which means, the season 6 finale will pack in a lot of stuff. This Sunday, Once Upon a Time will wrap existing storylines and need to plant the seeds for Once Upon a Time 2.0.
Plus, people will go into season 7 with hesitation. While they may be willing to give Once Upon a Time another try, ABC will have to convince them to stay.
Unfortunately, the show struggled to create new and compelling storylines in recent seasons. If it continues, will this problem hang over the show or will the cast shake up be what it needs to find new life and a new purpose?
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I guess we won’t really know until Once Upon a Time season 7 airs sometime in the fall.