Scandal Season 6, Episode 13 Live Stream: Watch The Box Online


In tonight’s episode of Scandal, Theodore Peus begins his plan of revenge against Olivia for arresting Marjorie. Here’s how to watch Scandal online.

Scandal is getting hot again, but there are a lot of things in motion right now.

TVGuide sat down with Joe Morton, who plays Rowan Pope. He dished on the triangle between Fitz, Olivia and her father — and must say, I couldn’t agree more.

"Rowan has made a point about not letting your weakness get the best of you. Fitz is Olivia’s weakness, so what does he think of Olivia succumbing to her weakness again?Morton: I think with Fitz it’s more than that he’s her weakness. For him, Fitz is weak. He’s her weakness and he’s weak. That makes it worse. Fitz is not as powerful as she is. By all rights, she should be secretary of state or president herself. So it’s not about her being with her weakness as it is being with a weak individual who weakens her in that way, not in the way he talks about it for himself or in terms of loved ones. So it’s frustrating for him."

Listen, Joe.

It’s difficult for me, too. I cannot wait to see what happens with Scandal when Fitz is no longer in office, because the reality is that he’s pretty much useless. If he can’t call himself the president, then there’s nothing else to say. We’ve seen pieces of that this season. And by reminding the world of Defiance in “The Decision,” it became clear that Fitz needs the presidency more than the presidency needs him.

Now let’s check out the synopsis for the newest episode of Scandal, “The Box”:

"As the future of the country hangs in the balance, Olivia and Fitz are at odds with Rowan. Meanwhile, Jake employs surprising tactics to manipulate the Mystery Woman."

I’m here for Bad!Jake. Last week, he confronted Olivia about her feelings for Fitz and whatnot for the umpteenth time in a row. So I wouldn’t mind if he was just completely Over It, and decided to blow everyone up.

With Peus.

So here are all the details you need to watch Scandal online:

Date: Thursday, May 4
Time: 9 p.m. ET
Episode: “The Box”
Channel: ABC
Live stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2

Next: Useful tips for watching TV online

Scandal airs new episodes on Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.