40 binge-worthy TV shows: Watch them all right now because who needs sleep

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Photo: Amazon

Transparent – Amazon Prime

As one of the first series focusing on a transgender main character, Transparent broke ground in the exploration of transitioning individuals. It got a lot of buzz for this fact alone, but audiences quickly realized the show was show was about much more than Myra’s journey.

Transparent is the story of a family, in which the father realizes he is transgender and begins to live as a woman in his 60s. He divorces his wife, and his adult children have to learn to cope with the changing aspects of their lives.

Myra’s story is challenging and inspiring, yet its honesty will ring true to all sorts of viewers, not just those who can relate to Myra’s transition. The family’s story starts to emerge ahead of Myra’s and we start to see the full picture of the family, and how connected (and often disconnected) they are to each other’s problems and struggles.

The show has won all sorts of awards and recognition, to include a handful of Golden Globes and Emmys. Its honesty about what it means to change your life is so courageous that it will rip your heart out. But in a really good way. Each character’s story reveals something about them that you will see as relatable and authentic.

Starring: Jeffrey Tambor, Judith Light, Gaby Hoffman, Amy Landecker, and Jay Duplass