Part of the fun of Stephen Colbert’s monologues on The Late Show has to be how many topics he manages to get to, and last night’s had plenty.
Although The Late Show with Stephen Colbert lasts just about an hour each night on CBS with commercials, a good 10-15 minutes usually features Colbert working his way through the news, cracking jokes as he goes. Sometimes, when videos arrive on YouTube, they last through the entire monologue. Other times, CBS kindly breaks it all up. Last night’s show is a case of the latter.
Let’s start here, with the case of the mysteriously-revived American Health Care Act, or, as Colbert calls it, “Zombie Trumpcare.” (Warning: some possibly NSFW language below.)
GQ has also reported on the story of the Republicans in the House actually making themselves exempt from the provisions they’re trying to pass for the entire country. They also use the “zombie” terminology. Of course, the rhetorical trick is that this bill died earlier, but it also may be a dead thing walking. Why? The Washington Post writes that it may still die (again) in the Senate, should it even make it past the House in the first place.
But that’s just the first half of the monologue. Here’s part 2. (Warning: also includes some possibly not safe for work gestures and jokes; just look at the below still and you’ll probably see what we mean.)
There’s a lot to get to, isn’t there? To finish up the NAFTA reports, Reuters quoted Donald Trump as saying he had been “really ready and psyched to terminate NAFTA,” only to have his mind changed by the leaders of Canada and Mexico.
As for North Korea, here’s the article Colbert cites from The Guardian; he’s right in that the headline might be a little off, but his summary of what Admiral Harry Harris said is quite accurate. Meanwhile, Vox did do an article titled “80 sets of eyes rolling” about the White House briefing of the Senate.
Finally, yes, here’s the New York Times on Barack Obama’s plans to speak for a very large payday. However, even the Times notes that former presidents have done this before … including Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Just saying.
Next: ICE Ruffled by Prank Calls
Which segment did you like best from Colbert’s monologue?