15 Differences Between the New and Old “Mystery Science Theater 3000”

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Photo credit Netflix

Gypsy has an upgrade — and a brand new voice

This one is one that I think everyone really had to get used to. No longer does Gypsy have a ridiculously hoarse voice, as fantastic as it was.

It’s actually explained within the first five minutes of the very first episode. And it makes a lot of sense, too. Since we’re more tech savvy now than back in the ’90s, Jonah has a few more capabilities at his disposal in the Satellite of Love.

Aside from being a giant fire hazard because her coiling was everywhere on the floor, Gypsy was very much in need of an upgrade after eighteen years. So Jonah took all her coiling and wiring and strung it up through the rafters instead. It allows her to peruse the ship at her leisure—and stop in the theater to add in a riff or two of her own! It’s a cool addition to the show, even if the silhouette of her cascading down from the ceiling is a little off-putting.

“I upgraded her language center,” Jonah explains because Gypsy’s voice is so normal now. “I wanted to give her a Midwest accent. You know, those women have music in their voices!”

Being a Midwestern girl myself, I’m all for the change. And the compliment!