15 Differences Between the New and Old “Mystery Science Theater 3000”

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Photo credit Netflix

The Moon 13 House Band

This might be one of my favorite new additions to the TV show. Since Kinga is really trying to rebrand Mystery Science Theater 3000, she is pulling no punches. She’s pulling out the stops. How many more clichés can I use? You can really only describe Kinga in clichés anyway.

Anyway, there’s a House Band now! And it fits with the rebrand of the MST3K name. Welcome the Skeleton Crew, also known as the Boneheads. They are dressed in skeleton garb and wear motorcycle helmets with protruding bones. What would you classify their music as? Probably ska, thanks to their horn section. They are all sorts of fantastic, and I honestly don’t know why Clayton or Pearl didn’t think of this idea. Because it’s great!

Don’t think they’re just playing the “MST3K Love Theme” either. Kinga’s put them to the test. During those commercial bumpers, they actually play old songs from MST3K episodes. Two of them I recognized are “Livin’ In Deep 13” and “The Canada Song,” but I’m sure there are others, too.

They also double as Kinga’s grunts and are the ones who dragged Jonah into his current predicament, just to really tie them into the show beyond just showing up and providing musical references.