Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18 “Ace Reporter” Synopsis

Supergirl returns after a long hiatus with episode 18 “Ace Reporter,” and it looks like we’re delving deep into Lena’s past. Here’s our synopsis.

I know, I know. It’s been a long time without our favorite CW show on screen but I’m here to tell you it’s coming back in a few days and things are about to get wild! It looks like we’re getting a bit of a history from Lena’s past as her ex-boyfriend comes to town. Hopefully, we’ll get to see some of Maggie’s background as well at some point in the future. But for now, we’ll settle for Lena.

Here’s the official trailer for the episode, courtesy of The CW:

Now, here’s an interesting line:

"“How did you know I was Supergirl?”"

If Kara isn’t saying this to Lena, I’m going to physically throw my computer out a window. I need her and Lena to level up in their friendship pronto and this is certainly one way of doing it. I could also get behind Supergirl sucker punching Lena’s ex-boyfriend but beggars can’t be choosers.

And here’s the official synopsis:

"“Lena’s (guest star Katie McGarth) ex-boyfriend, Jack Spheer (guest star Rahul Kohli), comes to National City to unveil his big breakthrough in nano-technology, which has the potential to eradicate all diseases. Lena asks Kara to attend Jack’s conference with her for support. When Kara sees Snapper (guest Star Ian Gomez) in attendance she’s inspired to tap back into her reporter skills and questions Jack on his discovery, which ultimately leads to a bigger investigation that puts everyone in danger. Armen V. Kevorkian directed the episode written by Paula Yoo & Caitlin Parrish (#218). Original airdate 4/24/2017.”"

It’s been a long, long few weeks but we’re back, ya’ll. Finally.

Next: Three Actors Promoted to Regulars for Season 8 of The Walking Dead

Supergirl returns on Monday, April 26 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW and we’re excited for what’s in store for the end of this season.