Bill O’Reilly is no longer with Fox News and Stephen Colbert decided to take on a farewell to Bill O’Reilly and his television show.
Stephen Colbert famously hates Bill O’Reilly. He even stated so in his opening monologue. It ranges from stealing his toaster to playing a character largely based on O’Reilly from his show The O’Reilly Factor.
So really, it isn’t a surprise that Colbert is happy that Bill is no longer on the air. And he even pointed out how strangely abrupt this all is. It isn’t a normal cancellation. Bill was on the air and now he’s not, as Colbert points out.
But it doesn’t seem to be phasing Bill at all. In fact, he’s in Italy shaking hands with the Pope. In fact, the whole situation made Colbert bring back a character from his days on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report for fans to enjoy.
“And if you’re a woman, have a go at the front too.” The character, the one that Colbert based on O’Reilly, is all Republican and full of crass remarks. But that doesn’t change the fact that Stephen’s glee in the cancellation of The O’Reilly Factor is fantastic.
During the entire segment, he just seems so happy that the show was canceled and that Bill is no longer with Fox News. And really, can you blame him? Between the protests outside 20th Century Fox and an investigation by their own lawyers, per NBC News, it seems time has run out.
Next: Stephen Colbert Kicks Off His Return with the Mother of All Jokes
As always, tune into The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He’s doing a pretty amazing job and watching segments like this truly prove that Colbert is one of the best we have. Really, we’re just lucky he wants to keep giving us all these segments night after night.