25 TV characters you want to be best friends with because they’re cool and you know it

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Image via Fox

Lisa Simpson – The Simpsons

Every friend group needs someone who is smarter than everyone else. Like the squad’s own personal Google — a shortcut when you’d rather just ask instead of type. Lisa is well-rounded enough to know a little bit about a lot of things, so she’s an excellent conversationalist. Things are certainly never boring.

She may seem like she would be a bit of an elitist, but her ridiculous family keeps her grounded in a way that makes her accessible. Her father and and brother have been the source of so many headaches in her life that her tolerance is probably the highest of anybody you’ve ever met.

This means you will probably have a lot of chances with her. Not only is she smart enough to hold her own in the most academic circles, she’s also well-practiced when it comes to morons and dummies. She’s had enough experience with them, for goodness’ sake.

So, she’ll be your pal when you’re debating politics and exchanging big ideas, but she’ll also stick by you when you lock your keys in the car while it’s running, or accidentally get your hair caught in the blender. All of these things are requisites for being my friend, since all of them have happened to me in the recent past.