Deadpool Finally Has His Cable for The Sequel: Josh Brolin


Deadpool 2 really does have a Cable after all, and that Cable will be Josh Brolin, but what else can we learn from this confirmation?

Even though Deadpool 2 is reportedly just a few months away from kicking things off, the film still didn’t have a Cable. However, all that has changed. The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Josh Brolin has the role. 

(Does anyone else think that perhaps this announcement dropped to counter the Jude Law in Fantastic Beasts confirmation that also came today? It can’t be just us, right?)

Here’s perhaps the most interesting nugget from that report: the Brolin deal is for four movies. That sounds like confidence in Deadpool to assist the 20th Century Fox-Marvel world. Even though the X-Men movies do make rather a lot of money, things like X-Men: Apocalypse didn’t do so well critically. Logan, of course, did well on both sides, with a Certified Fresh rating at Rotten Tomatoes and nearly $600 million worldwide to date.

The problem comes from the fact that Hugh Jackman is supposed to be done with being Wolverine now. That means that someone else needs to step in to be the face of the franchise, so to speak. If Deadpool is that choice, then Brolin’s deal starts making a lot of sense.

“But wait,” you might be saying. “Josh Brolin, as in Thanos Josh Brolin?” Yes, THR even mentions that he has the role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We suppose this means that Brolin gets to join the just-named Chris Evans Club for People Who Play Multiple Marvel Characters.

Evans may be the founding member, but apparently Marvel is still okay with that kind of crossover. At least he has both a more heroic character to go with his villainous side. It also probably helps that Thanos is large, mostly CGI, and also purple.

Next: A Deep, Reactionary Dive to the Thor: Ragnarok Trailer

Keep an eye on Deadpool 2, because it just became even more interesting.