25 reasons why Ben Wyatt from Parks and Recreation is the best

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Adam Scott as Ben Wyatt. Parks and Recreation. Image courtesy of NBC

When it comes to Parks and Recreation, there are so many characters to love but here are 25 reasons why Ben Wyatt is the best

With Ben Wyatt, he comes from a whole show of incredible characters. Parks and Recreation was one of the best comedies on television and it was rich with characters but there was one that really stuck out.

But there was just something so special about Ben. Everything about him was anxious and he shows us all that having anxieties is okay if you have the right people around you. He’s made mistakes and it makes him even more relatable to the audience.

That’s part of the joy of Parks and Recreation. The show was designed to make us feel for these characters and connect to them. And there is just something about Ben that makes us really love him and everything he does for the other characters on the show.

So we’re going to look at what makes Ben Wyatt the man of our dreams. Or just why he’s awesome. Because really, there is just something so great about Ben and everything he had to go through.

From Ice Town Costs Ice Clown his Town Crown to his plaid shirts and everything in between, we’re appreciating Benjamin Wyatt. Because who else loves calzones nearly as much as he does?